James Calder

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Fife needs to declare a Housing Emergency

by jamescalder on 14 March, 2024

Fife Liberal Democrat leader Councillor James Calder is joining with Fife Council Housing Spokesperson Councillor Judy Hamilton in putting forward a motion declaring a Housing Emergency in Fife. This is taking place in the midst of a 26% cut in the Scottish Affordable Housing programme by the Scottish Government and a previous agreement at Cabinet Committee

meeting on Housing that if there was no action, Fife Council would declare such an emergency.

Councillor James Calder said,

We have tried raising the housing issues with the SNP/Green Scottish Government, but they do not care.

In fact they are wilfully cutting the affordable housing budget despite increasing levels of homelessness and significant shortage of affordable housing. 

Already a number of other Councils have declared a Housing Emergency due to their negligence and we sadly believe that Fife must now follow suit.

The SNP and Greens might want to see cuts in housing, but the Fife Liberal Democrats are taking action.

We are not pleased to have to put forward this motion, but we feel duty bound to do so to ensure that the housing shortages that we have in Fife are taken seriously.

We will be making the case for the SNP/Green Scottish Government to change course so we can finally tackle this crisis in housing in Fife.

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