James Calder

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NHS Fife Budget Overspend Motion Passed

by jamescalder on 8 December, 2023

At a meeting of Fife Council, Fife Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Councillor James Calder put forward a motion asking the Council Leader to raise the NHS Fife deficit, currently sitting around £16 million, to the Scottish Health Secretary. This was passed despite the SNP councillors opposing the motion.

After the motion passed, Councillor Calder said,

I am pleased that most councillors agreed with me that the NHS Fife budget overspend is a serious issue that needs tackled.

The budget in NHS Fife black hole is enormous and action is need.

Our NHS staff are overstretched and people are struggling to receive the healthcare they need. It is so important we hold the Scottish Government to account on this issue.

Unfortunately the SNP councillors have their heads in the sand on this issue and voted to oppose raising this. They seemed to paint a rosie picture that does not represent reality.

However with the rest of Fife Council voting to raise this with the Government, I am hoping we can now put the pressure on them to help resolve this situation and protect our NHS in Fife.

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