James Calder

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My fight against attempts to end Pitcorthie green area maintenance

by jamescalder on 14 January, 2019

A recent proposal has been made which the SNP and Labour-led Fife Council Administration are looking into which would mean that much of the green areas of Pitcorthie would no longer be maintained by Fife Council. Councillor James Calder is opposing any attempts to end commitments made by the Council when the estate was first built.

James Calder has said,

The Council Minutes from the 1960s clearly show that the Council agreed to take over the maintenance of green areas in the area. Now it seems the Council are looking at reneging on these commitments.

Areas such as the burn in Pitcorthie are already in a poorly maintained state. If the Council were to leave this could lead our green areas locally to be in a dreadful state.

I am asking residents to sign my petition to keep the Council working in these areas.

You can find the petition here.

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