James Calder

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Parks Disparity- An Update

by jamescalder on 4 June, 2018

A few weeks ago I wrote about the fact that despite having equivalent populations, Dunfermline receives over £400,000 less than Kirkcaldy in funding for Parks, Streets ans Open Spaces and for the time being the SNP/Labour Council Administration for the time being have no plans to change this. Kirkcaldy also has 80 full time equivalent staff compared to Dunfermline’s 55.

Since then I have met the Councillor who is Convenor of the Committee responsible for Parks, Streets and Open Spaces twice. One was a meeting I had with him at Fife House, and the other was organised by Dunfermline South Community Council members which we both attended.

I raised my concerns with him and he has told me he has plans for improving the service. One issue is that there is no up to date schedule for work representing the changes in the towns for decades, meaning Dunfermline’s expansion has not been properly taken into account.

Overall I came out of the meeting concerned that there will be no attempt to resolve the disparities but I hope Cllr. Vettraino can realise his plans on improving the service. I will act as a constructive opposition Councillor in this regard- I will both be happy to support sensible policies but also hold the Administration to account. I will also keep pushing for a fairer funding formula.

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